
Stichting The Umbrella of Hope Nederland is a development organization for education. An organization which has a long-standing expertise in education, which inspires and shows the personal stories of dedicated people.

We want to offer quality education to children and adolescents in developing countries, in collaboration with our partners in developing countries and in the Netherlands. Also, we want to give voice to an alternative point of view by showing that development cooperation is effective and education is a sustainable investment.


Stichting The Umbrella of Hope Nederland supports projects and programmes for accessible and relevant education for underprivileged children and adolescents in developing countries. Stichting The Umbrella of Hope Nederland involves Dutch society in general and education especially in international cooperation.

How we work

Every child should be able to attend school. And, on top of that, every child should receive quality education. We will provide research-based initiatives to support and promote quality education. For if the teachers, the teaching materials, the curriculum or the teaching itself lack in quality, the students will lose interest and motivation. Many youth will even drop out of school, often with serious consequences for their future.

Needs and potential

This is the reason why quality of education is key in all of Stichting The Umbrella of Hope Nederland’s activities. In our work, the needs and potential of the children and adolescents are always central. For in order to inspire and motivate the students, the school should have a direct connection to their lives and cultures.

Quality education

Stichting The Umbrella of Hope Nederland’s goal is to ensure that quality education is available for underprivileged children in Uganda. Currently, over 350,070 children in rural Ugandan communities are deprived of the chance to attend school. And even those who manage to attend school receive substandard education or drop out of school before having completed their education.

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