Our Approach

Our approach For over 15 years, we’ve advanced children’s rights to education and health in Uganda. We work in the  hardest -to-reach communities, where it’s toughest to be a child. We do whatever it takes every day   — to give children a healthy start in life and  the opportunity learn. We strive to ensure children’s […]

Our Story

The Umbrella of Hope Foundation is a development organization for education and counselling of the disadvantaged Communities. An organization which has a long-standing expertise in education, which inspires and shows the personal stories of dedicated people.


TUH’s main objective is to provide a platform where migrants are encouraged and supported to integrate into Dutch communities through an understanding of Dutch culture including, but not limited to, understanding of language, customs, norms and values of the Netherlands. Nevertheless, this platform also enables our Dutch partners and other Dutch residents to gain an […]


Het belangrijkste doel van TUH is om een platform te bieden waar migranten worden aangemoedigd en ondersteund om te integreren in Nederlandse gemeenschappen door middel van een goed begrip van de Nederlandse cultuur, met inbegrip van, maar niet beperkt tot, begrip van taal, gewoonten, normen en waarden van de Nederland. Desondanks kunnen ook onze Nederlandse […]

Stijging omhoog het project van de jeugd

Seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid: Rise up project!-Oeganda  Doelstellingen van Rise up project Het project beoogde; Vergroot kennis/bewustwording van jongeren en adolescenten over waar, wanneer en hoe SRH diensten te verkrijgen. Vergroten en ondersteunen van SRH diensten onder jongeren Resultaten en prestaties Nr. van peer providers opgeleid 50 Nr. van toezicht vergaderingen met docenten 12 Nr. […]


Sexual and Reproductive health: Rise Up Project!- Uganda  Objectives of Rise Up Project The project sought to; Increase knowledge/awareness of young people  and adolescents on where, when and how to obtain SRH services. Increase and sustain uptake of SRH services among young people Results and Achievements Nr. of peer providers trained 50 Nr. of monitoring […]

Make Your Donation Today

Children and poor communities are counting on you. These children have a chance for a better life only if you can support  and provide for them. That’s why The Umbrella of Hope invests in childhood – every day, and through your donations we are able to give girls and boys a healthy start, the opportunity to learn […]

Lets Help People with Albinism

Albinism is a condition characterized by partial or complete lack of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. People with albinism must be very careful to protect their skin and eyes from the sun- avoiding the sun, using sunscreen, and covering as much of their bodies as possible. They must use high SPF sunscreen and […]

Mission and Vision

Vision Stichting The Umbrella of Hope Nederland is a development organization for education. An organization which has a long-standing expertise in education, which inspires and shows the personal stories of dedicated people.