Find below our  Activities and Partners:

Activity 1: VTH Networking Event- The Hague.

Partner: Volunteer The Hague.

VTH 3 The Umbrella of hope foundation was invited to present its programmes and projects during the Volunteers The Hague networking event. This is an event that brought together students and professionals to network, discuss and join volunteering opportunities available in our organization organizations. The Umbrella of hope was well represented at the Networking event in The Hague, Netherlands. The founder of the organization and staff members (volunteers) gave a presentation about our work in Uganda and Netherlands. During this event we were able to register over 40 volunteers who were interested in joining our various programmes.

Activity 2: Talent Time Workshops in HSV- The Hague

Partner: HSV Schools, The Hague

12112231_1058612874158603_3126342875229459802_nEducational workshops given to Dutch school children aged 6-12 that provide an insight and awareness into the education system in Uganda and ‘A Day in the Life of a Village Child in Uganda’. Children learnt good citizenship, compassion and cultural similarities and differences through learning, play and dance.


Activity 3: Partnership with SOL and Positive Debt Netherlands

Partners: SOL and Positive Debt Netherlands

afbeelding399We held networking event and promotional event with SOL (a student’s organization in Leiden University) and Positive Debt (A students organization working to change the livelihoods of poor households in Uganda through Microfinance). We bridged a partnership to work together in promoting institutional growth, fundraising and knowledge sharing among ourselves. During this event The Umbrella of Hope presented its work to the students of Leiden University, and also encouraged students to join the organizations as volunteers. We registered over 20 students who were interested in working with The Umbrella of Hope Nederland.

Activity 4: Sponsorship from FIS Global- Amsterdam

Partner: FIS Global- Amsterdam

fisThanks to the FIS Global office in Amsterdam for generous donations of clothes, shoes and bags to help support underprivileged families in rural communities in Jinja, Uganda and make a big difference in their lives! FIS Global also donated 130Euro towards the health and education of the poor and vulnerable children in the remotest and rural areas. Through these donations we were able to provide scholastic materials and fees to over 30 children and families.

Activity 5: Partnership with HSV Schools in Den Haag, Netherlands

HSV 4HSV donated over 1000Kgs of clothing, shoes and school materials, printers and schools books which were given to over 50 underprivileged orphans and children aged 5-15 in the most rural and remotest communities in Uganda.

Activity 6: Donations from T.Mobile winkel- Amsterdam

Partner: T-Mobile Winkel winkel in Amsterdam managed to raise 85 Euros for girls in Uganda to go to school. Through this donation we were able to buy sanitary pad materials for girls. As a result over 20 girls got reusable sanitary pads and are now able to attend school with comfort and dignity.

Activity 7: Scholarships for poor children

Partner: Global Giving USA

photojoiner-1This year, your donations through GlobalGiving meant nearly $100 was available for these children to attend school at Mulanga primary school!  Your donations enabled 4 children to join school for a term–and, you purchased new school uniforms, new shoes, books, pens, pencils, mathematical set, and the school fees which all enabled them to attend lessons without any disturbance. Your donations also helped these children to get meals at school (breakfast and lunch). You made huge a difference in the lives of these children. 

Activity 8: Donations from International Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) – Erasmus University Rotterdam

We have partnered with the Students Welfare office to run fundraising campaigns within the Institute and its surrounding areas. Students, lecturers, non-teaching staff have responded to this call generously donated to The Umbrella of Hope Nederland. The Welfare department also donated sportswear to the children and youths of Uganda. This sportswear was used to run activities aimed at inspiring change and advocating gender equality through sport.

  1. Using sports to keep girls in School
  2. DSC03234
  • The elder boys and girls learnt how to guide and coach the younger ones in a 30-minute session of play-based activities. This session encouraged participation in healthy physical activity for the younger children, and developed leadership skills for the older ones. 
  • Promoted gender equality on the sports field and beyond by valuing female participation in sports.  Over 180 girls are now active in sports.
  • Behaviors and attitudes towards girls participating sports and school activities have now changed among the male teachers and students. This is witnessed in the number of girls participating in sports and other school activities  

     2. Women Empowerment project- Piggery farming.

11742749_1022821057737785_1435134821507824849_nThe Umbrella of Hope distributed over 200 piglets to about 100 poor women households living and affected by HIV/AIDs in Uganda in order to increase their income. Many women households have been able to take care of their children through provision of scholastic materials, food, and medical care among others.


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