Lets help the poor and vulnerable women in the rural had to reach communities by empowering them, we help to empower them by teaching them skills to enable them to generate income and provide for their families. Our goal is that the women can produce products that they can market in their local areas and beyond. To supplement their local market, The Umbrella of Hope gives the women contracts to make hand made products like bags, jewelry, dresses, and uniforms.  This merchandise is sold both in Uganda and The Netherlands to create additional income and support the homes of these women but also our outreach projects.

As a result of these projects, women have been able to provide scholastic materials to their children which has taken a burden off over reliance on donors.

Why is Women empowerment a big concern?

The Umbrella of Hope  aims to address the challenges faced by the rural poor by helping them to overcome barriers as well as facilitating ways of increasing opportunities in rural market systems. Our focus is not just on enabling poor families to meet their own food needs through improved agricultural production, but to actively participate in market systems. And while direct support such as providing seeds or training to farmers is an important short-term measure, we complement these activities with more systemic interventions through a value chain approach that strengthens markets and institutions. We also empower these communities with strong skills and knowledge on business and financial management.